We couldn’t have a successful event without the help of our generous sponsors. We offer several sponsorship levels for consideration. Take advantage of this opportunity to elevate your company brand by sponsoring this event. Our event is not-for-profit and we appreciate your support.
ATTENDANCE This event draws roughly 200 participants from the commercial aquaculture industry, the aquaculture research community and government agencies. While most are from Virginia, the event attracts participants from around the country. This is the 11th event of its kind and the 7th at this location. Attendance has grown at each event with 50% industry participation; our target audience.
INDUSTRY Virginia has a diverse culture industry dominated by molluscan bivalve shellfish. Virginia is #1 in the nation for the production of hard clams and #1 on the East Coast for the production of oysters. Virginia is also the world’s largest producer of tilapia using recirculating aquaculture systems and home to a variety of smaller fresh and saltwater farms growing trout, ornamentals, catfish, and hybrid striped bass. Virginia is also active in controlled environment agriculture and aquaponics.
TRADE SHOW The trade show is the central meeting place at this event; maximizing exhibitor and sponsor exposure. All breaks, meals and Friday night reception are located in the trade show area. Exhibit spaces are typically around the perimeter of the room with food and seating in the center.
Options for building your package are below. Questions? Contact Karen Hudson (khudson@vims.edu) or Dave Ferree (dlferree@vims.edu)
Sponsor Level
Complimentary Registration
Logo Recognition
Special Shout outs
$ 1,400
Full page in printed program (as provided)
On all printed and digital content:
event website, posters, reception tables, program, at registration table, on screen in between sessions.
Special thank you during opening announcements each day.
Social media shout outs.
Promotional materials available at registration table (as provided)
$ 900
1/2 page in printed program (as provided)
On most printed and digital content: event website, posters, reception tables, program, at registration table
Social media shout out.
Promotional materials available at registration table (as provided)
$ 400
On event website , at registration table and printed program
Promotional materials available at registration table (as provided)
Standard Exhibit Space
1 complimentary registration
10 ft. x 10 ft. space along the perimeter of room
6 ft draped table (upon request)
2 chairs
access to a standard electrical outlet *No pipe and drape
Double Exhibit Space
(3 available)
$ 700
same as Standard with the exception of size: 20 ft L x 10 ft D
Triple Exhibit Space
(2 available)
$ 1,000
same as Standard with the exception of size: either 30 ft L x 10 ft D or a corner spot.
Additional representatives can be added as needed.
Each representative in attendance must be registered.
All meals and breaks are provided with registration including a ticket to the Friday night reception.